

Rezoning Sparks New Multi-Family Development at Campbell and Drexel

The zoning conditions for the property located at the southeast corner of Campbell Avenue and Drexel Road have been amended through Ordinance No. 12085. This change, approved by the Mayor and Council, modifies the zoning conditions set forth in Ordinance 11215 to allow for the development of the Drexel Multi-Family Apartment complex under C-2 zoning. The rezoning complies with the General Plan and the Kino Area Plan (KAP), ensuring alignment with the city’s broader development objectives.

Why it matters

This rezoning is significant as it facilitates the development of a new multi-family apartment complex, addressing the increasing demand for housing in Tucson. The C-2 zoning allows for a higher density of residential units, contributing to more efficient land use and helping to alleviate housing shortages. The maximum building height for C-2 zoning is 50 feet, allowing for substantial residential structures. Setbacks include a minimum of 20 feet for the front yard, 10 feet for the side yard, and 10 feet for the rear yard when adjacent to residential zones. The lot coverage for C-2 zoning can reach up to 80%, optimizing the available space for development. Parking requirements under C-2 zoning mandate 1.5 spaces per dwelling unit, ensuring adequate parking for residents. This development aligns with the city’s goals of promoting higher-density residential options and enhancing urban living conditions.

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When: May 21, 2024

Where: Southeast corner of Campbell Avenue and Drexel Road

Who: City of Tucson, Mayor and Council

What: Spot Rezoning

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