Zoning Page

Large-Scale Future Land Use Amendment and Rezoning for Major Development in North Jacksonville

  • When: 2024/08/14
  • Address: Pecan Park Road North & Main Street North, Jacksonville, FL
  • City: Jacksonville
  • State: FL
  • Size: 1,003.91 acres
  • Category: Area Rezoning
  • Owner: Rum East, LLC and associated entities

This ordinance involves a large-scale Future Land Use Map (FLUM) amendment and rezoning of 1,003.91 acres of undeveloped land located at 0 Pecan Park Road North and 0 Main Street North, Jacksonville, FL. The proposed changes will reclassify the land from its current designation of Multi Use (MU) and Light Industrial (LI) to a mix of Low Density Residential (LDR), Medium Density Residential (MDR), Light Industrial (LI), Community General Commercial (CGC), and Conservation (CSV). The project will also extend the Suburban Development Area to cover the entire site and remove the previously applied FLUE Site Specific Policy 4.3.15. The site is intended for a mixed-use development, incorporating residential, commercial, and industrial uses, with significant portions of the land dedicated to conservation and flood protection.

Why it Matters

This amendment and rezoning will enable significant development in North Jacksonville, providing a substantial increase in housing and commercial opportunities while preserving key environmental features. It supports the city’s growth strategy by expanding the Suburban Development Area and ensuring the area’s infrastructure and land use are aligned with future demands.


Allowed Uses: Proposed land use categories include Light Industrial (LI), Community General Commercial (CGC), Conservation (CSV), Low Density Residential (LDR), and Medium Density Residential (MDR) as per the Future Land Use Element (FLUE).

Density: LDR: 5 DU/Acre; MDR: 15 DU/Acre

Minimum Lot Size: Defined by the Planned Unit Development (PUD) zoning requirements.

Maximum Building Height: Height restrictions within the 300-foot and 150-foot Height and Hazard Zone for Jacksonville International Airport.

Lot Coverage: Consistent with the zoning code and Planned Unit Development (PUD) requirements.

Previous Zoning: Multi Use (MU) and Light Industrial (LI) under FLUE Site Specific Policy 4.3.15.