

New Annexation Policy Adopted for Future City Expansion

The City Council has approved a new annexation policy, rescinding the previous Resolution No. 4692. This policy establishes clear criteria for the city’s consideration of future annexations, ensuring alignment with the community’s long-term interests as outlined in the General Plan. The annexation policy provides detailed standards for evaluating annexation proposals, including compatibility with the General Plan, sustainable water supply, regional planning, and infrastructure costs. This new policy aims to facilitate informed decisions on annexations, balancing the benefits and costs associated with expanding the city’s boundaries.

The adoption of this policy provides a structured approach to managing land use and economic development while protecting neighborhoods. It includes provisions for evaluating the legal requirements for annexation, assessing the financial impact, and ensuring that any proposed annexation aligns with the city’s strategic goals.

Why it matters

This policy is crucial for guiding the city’s future growth and ensuring that annexation decisions are made with comprehensive understanding and foresight. By establishing clear criteria, the policy helps manage the implications of annexing new territories, such as the need for infrastructure and services, and the potential for increased state-shared revenue and tax base. It also addresses concerns related to maintaining community character, environmental sensitivity, and sustainable development. Overall, this policy supports Scottsdale’s long-term planning efforts, ensuring that expansion efforts contribute positively to the city’s economic vitality and quality of life for its residents.

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When: May 21, 2024

Where: Citywide

Who: City Council of Scottsdale
Report Author: Adam Yaron, Planning & Development Area Manager

What: Land Use Planning

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