

Cottages on Sossaman: New Residential Development Approved on Sossaman Road

The City Council has approved the rezoning of 2.8± acres from Limited Commercial (LC) to Multiple Residence-2 with a Planned Area Development Overlay (RM-2-PAD). This approval includes a Site Plan Review for the development of a multiple residence project known as “Cottages on Sossaman.” The project involves modifications to development standards, such as reduced yard setbacks and specific landscape requirements, ensuring compliance with city regulations and promoting residential growth.

Why it matters

This project supports the city’s housing policy by increasing residential density in a strategic location, fostering community development, and meeting housing demand. The planned development aligns with Mesa’s urban planning objectives, contributing to a well-organized and sustainable residential environment.

When: May 20, 2024

Where: Within the 100 block of North Sossaman Road (west side).

Who: CBJ LAND LLC, owner; Alex Hayes, Withey Morris Baugh PLC, applicant.

What: Property Development Approval

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